Rank a website on Google within 15 days Seo Freelancer specialist is the intermediate point between an agency that takes care of the SEO of your websites and an employee who performs these tasks on a daily basis. It is difficult to amortize Seo in a company unless it has enough web pages or a newspaper, you will not see the need to hire someone 8 hours for that position, if you have one or two web pages hiring a full-time expert hours you'll be exaggerating. https://seofreelancerservices.weebly.com/ https://myfreelancerbook47.wixsite.com/home https://myfreelancerbook47.cabanova.com/ There are technical factors and Seo services do regular maintenance , as well as review different KPI's, update often, see the status of incoming and outgoing links, redirects and especially keep working to keep the keywords strong in their positions. you will not see the need to hire someone 8 hours for that position, if you have one or two web pages hiring a full-time expert hours...